Malaysia Chapter

Current Members: 28 Members

Active Circles: 1 Circles

About The Chapter

The Girls 4 Girls (G4G) Malaysia Chapter began in 2019 and is headed by Izzana Salleh, one of the Harvard graduates and co-founder of G4G. To arm young women with the courage, visions, and skills needed to take on public leadership, G4G Malaysia has recruited multiple people and hosted several Circles to help young women redefine what it means to be an empowered Malaysian woman. We hope by bringing together insights from established leaders and a global network, we can mobilize a generation of mentors to grow the pipeline of women in public leadership.

Our Achievements

In 2021, G4G Malaysia managed to collaborate with many different individuals and organizations. Some included in the list are Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Parlimen Wanita Muda, One Step Closer, RISE, Axiata, and TalentCorp to name a few.

In 2022, G4G Malaysia launched its first ever corporate cohort with McDermott in 2022 with participants in Malaysia / Indonesia / India / Australia.

Our Target

Globally, Project Girls 4 Girls aim to train one million future leaders by the year 2025. Locally, as we work on the global aim, we also seek to empower and educate women in multiple different sectors such as politics, finance, and so much more. With our cohorts, we hope to instill confidence in women to pursue not only leadership roles but also new endeavors.

Country Lead

Izzana Salleh

Chapter’s Memories

Words From A Member

[Malaysia] Testimonial

Cheska Tatiana, Head of Communications

G4G gave me the confidence and the perspective I needed to say yes to opportunities. Over the past 3 years I’ve more than doubled my salary, received two promotions, had the bravery to appear in public interviews and started my own community initiative.

Malaysia Chapter

Social Media Highlights

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